K2BSA at the Hamvention 2017


It was a new place and a new arrangement for the Hamvention® in 2017. K2BSA Amateur Radio Association was there with a booth promoting all things Radio Scouting. The traffic was incredible on both Friday and Saturday. We handed out all our Radio Scouting buttons and quite a few brochures as well.

WA5DM, net control for the monthly Radio Scouting net on Echolink, KD2GUW, and K5ND.

You can see the photos of our booth nearby. It was staffed by: Dave Long, ND4SU, who also stores our display between Hamventions; John Deegan, K9XT; Brian Chen, KD2GUW; Bob Bereit, K3RMB; Gary Wilson, K2GW; Mike Crownover, AD5A; Mike Yammine, KB3CMS; Jim Rossow, KF6GRI; John Eggum, K4EGG; Jim Wilson, K5ND; and Dale Lamm, NX8J. Thanks to all who pitched in to spread the word about Radio Scouting.

We were fortunate to have a booth allocated to us. In the last several Hamventions the ARRL had generously provide space but with new facilities they worked hard to fit in all their own displays. Icom America provided financial support for our booth as well as one of the IC-7300 Scout Council Loan stations for display. Thank you, Icom America. You can find our poster and banner at Hamvention Poster.

I will also note that on Thursday, Jim Wilson, K5ND, attended the CW Ops Dinner to accept their Award for Advancing the Art of Communicating with Morse Code on behalf of the Boy Scouts of America. The nomination referred primarily to the Morse Code Interpreter Strip.

Thanks to everyone who supported our booth and stopped by to compare notes on how best to extend the reach of amateur radio within Scouting.