As the BSA’s official amateur radio transceiver supplier for the 2013, 2017, and 2023 National Jamborees, Icom provided equipment and technical support for the K2BSA radio operation, which included an amateur radio demonstration station, Radio Merit Badge instruction, ARDF-Foxhunting, and three VHF-UHF repeaters.
Icom has supported the Boy Scouts of America’s Jamboree amateur radio operation, K2BSA, since 1981. Over those Jamborees, more than 35,000 Scouts have been able to experience amateur radio as a potential lifetime hobby or as an entry to a vocation in technology and communication.
Icom has also supported the 2019 World Scout Jamboree at the same location, the Summit Bechtel Scout Reserve. They are not only providing all the amateur radio transceivers and the VHF-UHF repeaters on site, but also supporting all the promotion, handouts for Scouts, and the balloon launches. That includes coins for every Scout that completes the amateur radio demonstration, demo cards for the Scouts to record their contacts, patches for the volunteer staff, and the QSL cards.
Icom is also providing promotion directed at encouraging amateur radio operators to get on the air and work the NA1WJ World Jamboree station. You can see the handouts that will be provided to amateur radio operators at Hamvention and other hamfests leading up to the Jamboree starting July 15, 2019.
Thank you Icom America and Ray Novak, N9JA, for your superb support of amateur radio and Scouting!