COVID-19 Guidance for Radio Scouting Activities


We’ve pulled together the following information on dealing with COVID-19 that may prove useful to your Radio Scouting activities.

Please note that each state, municipality, and Scout council have their own guidance for addressing COVID-19 issues surrounding Scouting activities. You’ll need to take those into account when considering any Radio Scouting activities.

As starting points, we recommend the following online resources:

Work closely with your local Scout council and health authorities as guidelines are open to change as local conditions change.

We’ve also pulled together these comments about Jamboree on the Air and the Radio Merit Badge from Bill Stearns, NE4RD, Scouts BSA JOTA Team Lead and President of K2BSA ARA, as well as Gary Wilson, K2GW, the Scouts BSA Radio Merit Badge Subject Matter Expert.

Here’s what they have to say specifically about the QSO requirement for the Radio Merit Badge:

Bill, NE4RD — 
As was discussed during the Ham Expo, connecting your rig to a zoom/google meet/skype call is completely possible.  If an operator can figure out how to run WSJT-X, shouldn’t take much more effort to get voice to pass through to the rig.
Gary, K2GW — 
Bill’s right, but it gets even easier.  The contact requirement can be done with a simulated  QSO, even to the point of squeezing the PTT switch on an imaginary HT in the Scouts hand.
“Using proper call signs, Q signals, and abbreviations, carry on a 10-minute real or simulated amateur radio contact using voice, Morse code, or digital mode.”
I recently counseled two Scouts remotely where they simulated a QSO with me over FaceTime, then watched me via FaceTime make a real contact and took a tour of my shack remotely for their station visit.

Our sense is that you could easily complete the entire Radio Merit Badge through online options.

Please feel free to add your own thoughts and comments to this post. We’re sure there are many creative options available to continue with Radio Scouting activities during our stay-at-home time as well as engaging in Jamboree on the Air, October 16, 17, 18.