RSGB Amateur Radio Video


The Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) has published a video providing a nice overview of amateur radio. It does a good job of covering the wide array of activities within the hobby and does so from a personal perspective.

It calls to mind a recent discussion on the USA Radio Scouting Net (second Thursday of every month at 9 PM Central, Echolink *JOTA-365*). The question was — how do you counter a Scout comment that they can do all this with their smart phone or with Minecraft, etc. The response was that we don’t have to sell amateur radio. We can share it. It’s one more activity among so many available to today’s youth.

Of course, we find it fascinating and are delighted to share it. But we don’t have to sell it.

It’s all about planting seeds. Some will grow. Some will not. Some will grow later in life or when the Scout has grown up and is reviewing your application to put up a tower…

Here’s the RSGB video.