Benjamin Kuo, KK6FUT has provided this report on his recent K2BSA/6 activation. It was an incredible event as well as a superb example you can emulate at your camporee.
Ham Radio at the Boy Scout Camporee – April 21-22, 2017 – Moorpark, California
The Event:
- ~600 participants from the Conejo Valley
- ~450 scouts, 150 adults participating in event, 52 patrols from 12 different troops
- ~55 contacts on 40m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 2m, and 70cm + IRLP
- Modes: SSB, CW, PSK31
This year’s event went very, very well again, with another combination of challenging Boy Scouts to learn a little bit about Morse Code, and a number of contacts across many different bands, including a special contact with JS6TQS in Okinawa, Japan (on IRLP after the bands did not work out for us on a scheduled contact). Again, the Morse Code contest attracted a lot of scouts, but surprisingly, we had a lot more scouts who wanted to get on the air, and even a couple of intrepid scouts who sat through an attempt on JT65 and were interested in the computer aspects of the hobby! The prize (provided by Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club) was very well received and *many* scouts stopped by specifically to learn about winning those radios. Setting up in the wind (again) was a good practice for operating under adverse conditions, and the station was far more robust in terms of dealing with weather this year. Crank up military mast and Hexbeam also made for some great contacts on Friday evening. Although contacts were light on Saturday due to the CME, we still had opportunity to speak to contacts across 18 states and 3 countries.
“Wow, think what our patrol could do with those walkie talkies!”
- “I really want to learn Morse Code!”
- “That’s cool!”
- “What’s that big umbrella thing?”
- “You really can understand Morse Code?!?!”
Farthest contacts:
- Puerto Rico (CE1EOB)
- Columbia (HK4L)
- Okinawa (via IRLP, JS6TQS)
Other Scout Groups:
- AG6JF (Jay Harland) – Corriganville Park, Rancho Simi District BSA
- K5BSA / WA5DM (Chris Overbey) –Circle Ten Council BSA, Dallas, Texas
Participating Hams On Location:
- KK6FUT (Ben Kuo) – BSA
- W0UFC (Tom Stough)
- AG6AG (Stu Sheldon)
- W6RH (Rob Hanson)
- WA6RIE (Arie Itzhak) – setup, tower
- KF6JQO (Bill Wilcox) – setup, antenna, battery box
Participating Hams Offsite For QSOs:
- K6POI (Tim Wheeler)
- AB6ET (Norm Campbell)
- W6JWZ (Ben Herrera)
- KM6CKD (Jim Whalen) – new, Technician
- KM6ECQ (Cole Edson) – Scout, youth, Technician (new)
- KM6GUE (Jim Aguirre)
What was the prize?
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