2017 JOTA Patch Design


The 2017 Jamboree on the Air patch design for the USA has been approved by the BSA National Radio Scouting Committee. It is now headed to BSA National Supply for production. We’ll post ordering information as soon as it’s available.


  1. Great looking patch. Looking forward to having the Atlanta Area Council order them for our JOTA event

  2. Please let us know the minute the patch is available! I wish it was ready by national field on 6/24 as I have several scout participating.
    Any idea where to find the patch from last year as we participated but the patch was not available in our area?

    • For the 2016 JOTA patch, call BSA Supply at 800-323-0736. It is order number 634941. Your local Scout Shop may also be able to track some down at other shops. No word yet on when the 2017 patch will be available.

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