JOTA 2013 Report


The National Radio Scouting Committee has issued the official Jamboree on the Air 2013 Report for the USA. Click here to see the full report. We’ve also provided a report video, below, and we’ve provided a listing of all station reports that you can find at this link.

JOTA 2013 Report from K2BSA on Vimeo.


  1. Thanks for including our station. The boys and their parents have been coming for 2 years, and are already planning for next year. This video will also help me to encourage more scouts to participate JOTA. Radio and Scouting are a great pair. We hope to interest the younger Scouts to the possibilities of Amateur Radio. Next year we will expand to digital modes to start, then move to phone. The purpose is to mitigate ” mic fright”. Each year we try something different.

    • Hi Jim, great photo for the front page of the report. I just wish I could have gotten more of the equipment into the photo. It must have been great fun for the Scouts, the parents, and for the operators. Good ideas about digital modes. They have worked well in helping Scouts overcome mic fright.

      73, Jim, K5ND

  2. It is an Honor to have the Scouts visiting the KT4BSA JOTA hands on display at Camp Tuscarora displayed on the K2BSA video. We also set up an amateur radio station at our camp during the National Jamboree . At one point a technician class operator was listening to K2BSA on the HF bands and could not reply. It created a strong desire to upgrade and now he has his General Ticket. Three other Scout leaders or volunteers have since earned their ticket or updgraded. Even listening to K2BSA resulted in licenses and upgrades. The work you do extends far beyond your physical location. Like radio waves you never know who is listening and learning. Your friend in Scouting, Dave K4KDP

    • Dave, delighted to hear that the work we all do for Scouting makes a difference in the lives of our Scouts and their leaers. I know it makes a big difference in my life.

      73, Jim, K5ND

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