Jamboree Report


The report for the K2BSA 2013 Jamboree Operation has been posted. Also check out the map of all the USA contacts at the bottom of the page. Can you find your call sign?


  1. Wish I could have been one of the listed contacts. Searched the listed’
    frequencies when I had time to be in the shack, but no luck.

    On to JOTA….

  2. Jim, you did an awesome job for K2BSA and the Jamboree! My grandson was at the Jamboree in Troop A123 and I was anxious to contact K2BSA and I finally did under poor band conditions. Thanks for the prompt QSL card and I will pass it on to my grandson for his trophy box. 73

    • Delighted that you got into the log. Didn’t get a lot of QSL cards, so it was fairly straightforward to get them mailed. Glad your’s arrived quickly. Thanks for supporting K2BSA and the Scouts. Hope your grandson earned the Radio Merit Badge while he was at the Jamboree! 73, Jim, K5ND

  3. Contacted Nethaniel THREE times 2x SSB and once CW.

    I DO NOT find my call sign listed on the GOOGLE SATELITE map of the JAMBOREE contacts?

    Kindly add my call to the map.

    Thank you

    W. Coverdell – WD0BC

    Eagle Scout Class of 1965 Pony Express Council.

    • There were nearly 2,000 QSO’s that generated that map, your three included. That not all of them show up due to the density of the call signs can’t readily be corrected one call sign at a time. Sorry that your’s doesn’t show up. Thanks so much for your support of Scouting and the K2BSA Jamboree operation. 73

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