Ask an Astronaut a Question


During the 2019 World Scout Jamboree, the NA1WJ Amateur Radio Station will be in contact with the International Space Station as part of the ARISS Program. During the contact, which lasts about 10 minutes, we will have 10 Scouts speaking with an astronaut. That conversation will be a question and answer session, with the Scouts asking a list of 20 prearranged questions.

Thanks to everyone who provided their suggested questions for the astronaut. We received almost 40 questions through our online survey. We’ve edited that list down to 30 questions primarily by dropping or combining duplicate questions. 

We now need to narrow that list to the 20 that we’ll forward in advance to the International Space Station.

We’d like your vote on the top questions. Click the button to see the list of 30 questions and to vote on your top questions.

Vote on ISS Astronaut Questions