Amateur Radio Newsline and Filing Your JOTA Station Reports


Both Amateur Radio Newsline, the ARRL, and our JOTA Newsletter have published requests for JOTA Station Reports. The deadline is November 1. You can file your report through the online submission process at JOTA Station Report.

Here’s the report on Amateur Radio Newsline from Bill Stearns, NE4RD. He offers sound insight on collecting the necessary information for your station report.


PAUL/ANCHOR: With this year’s Jamboree on the Air in the log books now, stations have other work to do, as we hear from Bill Stearns NE4RD.

BILL’s REPORT: This week in radio scouting we need to turn in our station reports for Jamboree on the Air. This year we had a total of over 12,600 registered stations around the world for JOTA and this included 1,000 in the US topping last year’s number of 500. Now is the time to file your report. This simple two-page online web form includes your station information, a bit about the numbers at your event, a couple comment boxes for feedback on the event and a place to submit pictures and videos. Don’t worry if your numbers aren’t 100%, as I know I had to piece together mine from logs, team members, and some scribbled notes. Just like a cub scout, do your best.

Now that you have submitted your station report, it’s a great time to to meet your volunteers and debrief the team. How did things go? Did you have the right gear? What was the most valuable piece of gear at the operation? Were there any issues with flow through the stations? Did the weather present any issues? And the ever important question, did we spend enough time planning?

As you answer these questions with your team, take time to visit our website and check out our planning guides for Amateur Radio Operators, Scout Leaders and our Countdown planner. We’d like to hear your feedback on what we can do better to help you plan and execute your radio scouting events in the future.

For JOTA station reports and information on radio scouting, please visit our website at

For Amateur Radio Newsline and the K2BSA Amateur Radio Association, this is Bill Stearns, NE4RD