K9RSR on the air at Rainbow Scout Reservation


This originally appeared on Amateur Radio Newsline.

Brian McDaniel, N4AE, will be activating his club’s callsign K9RSR at the Rainbow Scout Reservation in Morris, IL, on September 16th. Brian and his group will be demonstrating ham radio on phone, PSK and DMR. Look for them on 80, 40, 30, 20, 17 and DMR.

With Jamboree on the Air quickly approaching, Bill Sterns, NE4RD, spoke with Brian about getting started now.

BRIAN: Well my name is Brian McDaniel, N4AE, and I’m the trustee of K9RSR which is the official scout radio station at Rainbow Council in Illinois. The Cub-scout program received a major overhall that benefits I think Ham Radio for the best. The Arrow Of Light which is a Webelos achievement has a tailor made option for us connect with a Scout in another country at an event like JOTA. It’s written right into the program and your ham club should be reaching out to those local cub scout packs now. I kind of describe it as mana from heaven as far as ham radio goes. And you want to reach out to that cubmaster because he’s going to set the calendar, and what you tell him is really really simple. Look, I have Arrow of Light advancement for your Webelos, you show up to this park or where ever your location is going to be, spend an hour, the kids are going to play with computers, they’re going to play with radios, they’re going to talk with people in other countries, and they’re going to have a good time and you get to check the box. And I don’t know of any cubmaster in the country who wouldn’t say where do I need to be and when.

You can find their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/K9RSR/  which includes information about all their activations including Jamboree on the Air.

Here’s the full interview.