Radio Scouting Numbers


radio mbWe’ve gathered a few pertinent numbers around Radio Scouting —

The number of Radio Merit Badges earned represents a new record. The previous record was 7,190 in 2009.

Great work by all the Radio Merit Badge Counselors and their efforts at introducing the fun, technology, and magic of amateur radio to Scouts! Thank you.


  1. Last year was the first year I had heard of JOTA. Frankly, it prompted me to re-take my General-class license exam (it had expired in 2010), and we participated from the USS Missouri in Pearl Harbor. I also ended up teaching a Radio Merit Badge class to 3 different troops. The Ham club on the Missouri has already invited us back for this year’s JOTA. Thank you, Jim Wilson, for the work you put into Radio Scouting. It is because of you I got back into Ham radio, and it is because of you that we participated in JOTA last year and every year from now on, and it is because of you that most of the boys in 3 troops earned some of those Radio Merit Badges. I was at a key 3 dinner last night and one of the scouts I had taught radio to was there with his dad. I asked him how many merit badges he had earned over the winter camp, and he told me “four, plus the Radio one!” It put a big smile on both of our faces.

    • Thank you for your kind words, Ralph, and especially for your service to Scouting and amateur radio. It’s delightful to see activity levels increasing for both youth and adults. BTW, the photos from KH6BB on the USS Missouri during JOTA were wonderful. You could see the energy and enthusiam from all involved. Great work. 73, Jim, K5ND

  2. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I was one of those people who bought a Morse Interpreter strip and an Amateur Radio Operator strip. I also volunteered to be a Ham radio operator for the Red Cross here on Oahu, and have practiced my radio skills from a shelter here. Scouting helps the community once again . . .

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