Jamboree July 16


Great day at the Jamboree. All the Scouts headed to the opening show in the morning. Around 10:30 AM they came out of the stadium and many into the K2BSA station. We conducted demonstrations for roughly 180 Scouts in the first 90 minutes! The total number of Scouts for the day was 418. We also had 25 Scouts earn the Radio Merit Badge and 41 go through the foxhunting course. All in all a very good day.

We also were visited by several reporters including Bryan Wendell who writes the Bryan on Scouting blog and serves as editor of Scouting Magazine. You can see his blog on K2BSA and Foxhunting here.


  1. Does WV8BSA have a Gateway node? I would like to call from Orange County California.

  2. Tell Jim AD0AC hi for me. I would have loved to be there. I hope you have a station running at NOAC in 2015 and I will be there to help staff that. I hope to get things working here and see if I can make a contact. Mid-Iowa Council has a group of scouts there. Have a great day. 73

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