K2BSA Amateur Radio Association — dedicated to amateur radio within the Scout movement. Providing information to support all Radio Scouting activities.

Home Blog Page 71

Jamboree History Updated


I’ve finally been able to add the Jamboree history pages. Thanks go to Mike Brown, WB2JWD, who preserved it on his website. Check it out under the Jamboree History menu tab.

I also hope to add some more recent QST articles to round out the more recent history of K2BSA. Stay tuned. Always a work in progress.

Great Article in QST


Check out the great write up in QST on a fantastic Radio Scouting adventure set up by Troop 6 in Colorado. We’ve reprinted it on the JOTA site at Radio Scouting in QST  They run a geocaching route using amateur radio Fox Hunting and two-way communication with the scorekeepers. It includes building the Fox Hunting antenna. It’s a very well done event and superb exposure for Radio Scouting — they’ve even captured the cover! Great work from author and assistant Scoutmaster, Stu Turner, W0STU.

We’ve added to the K2BSA site two versions of K2BSA QSL cards that can be downloaded and printed with information for your event. They are PDF files with four cards on an 8.5 x 11 sheet. Print them on your color printer, print the flip side with your information, cut them out, and enter the QSO information. I hope that provides one more level of support for the great Radio Scouting events that you’re running.

K2BSA Association Officers


In June 2011, the following officers were elected for two year terms:

Jim Wilson, K5ND, President/Treasurer/Trustee
Bob Wiemers, W5FIG, Vice President/Secretary
Eric Wolf, N5EBW, Director
Grant Laughlin, W5XJ, Director
Frank Krizan, KR1ZAN, Immediate Past President
Ray Moyer, WD8JKV, Immediate Past Trustee

K2BSA Website

The K2BSA website is now up and running. A key benefactor was Frank Krizan, KR1ZAN, who originally purchased the domain names: k2bsa.net, k2bsa.org, and k2bsa.com. Jim Wilson, K5ND, set up the hosting, wrestled with the WordPress template, and added the content you see here. He also wrangled the Facebook and Twitter accounts to be used in the full range of online communication efforts for the association.

Your feedback on the site is welcome. You’re also welcome to forward stories, photos, videos, etc. that can make this site a richer representation of Radio Scouting.