I have had many emails regarding recruitment of the 2023 K2BSA Staff at the National Jamboree (July 16-29, 2023). While the operation plan is not fully solidified at this point, I wanted to start to collect applications so I can fill the staff and leadership positions and see what additional competencies we can bring to The Summit.
Please read and review the full information, pricing, and policies regarding serving on the National Jamboree Staff (JST).
The K2BSA Application does not guarantee you a position on the JST, but it will start the necessary dialog for the selection process. As well, there are steps that you need to complete on your own in the JST registration process and council approvals that determine whether I will see you in the hiring queue.
Please only complete the staffing application if you are planning on registering as JST or have already registered. I hope your interest in serving on the JST goes beyond the scope of K2BSA, but we’d be grateful to have us as your first selection! National Jamborees are an amazing experience as Staff and we’ll be having a lot of fun finally being able to return to The Summit!
73 de NE4RD