Radio Scouting Quick Links


Our top links for Radio Scouting information.

With over 100 pages and nearly 300 posts, it can be challenging to find the right information. We suggest using the search function and the pull-down menus or selecting from the quick links we’ve provided below.

Radio Scouting

Radio Scouting Advancement — where amateur radio can be used in the Scouting advancement program.

Troop Program Feature — how to run an amateur radio program for your troop.

Morse Code Interpreter Strip — how to earn this strip for uniform wear.

Amateur Radio Operator Rating Strip — what it is, how to earn it, and wear it. Also, find alternative sources for buying the badge.

ARRL Service to Scouting Award — the nomination process for this leader square knot.

Icom Station Loans — how to line up a complete station for your operations.