Ask an Astronaut a Question During the 2017 Jamboree

International Space Station ISS

During the 2017 Jamboree, the K2BSA Amateur Radio Station will be in contact with the International Space Station as part of the ARISS Program. During the contact, which lasts about 10 minutes, we will have Scouts speaking with an astronaut. That conversation will be a question and answer session, with the Scouts asking a list of prearranged questions.

If you or your Scout have ever wanted to ask an astronaut a question. Here’s your opportunity. We’re asking for your input, via the form below to provide your suggestions for questions.

Here’s a few samples from earlier contacts with the ISS to give you a better idea of the types of questions. Note that they are short and simple since the contact is so short. For background, you can view a video overview of a contact at JOTA 2012 ISS. This contact shows the nature of the questions and the answers.

We will publish the final list of questions before the Jamboree. We’ll also provide either live coverage of the contact and/or a video after the contact.

Sample Questions:

  • What do you like most about living in space?
  • When did you decide to become an astronaut?
  • How do you keep fit in space?
  • How did you feel when you watched planet Earth for the first time?
  • Which is your favorite food on board?
  • How can astronauts have a shower on board?
  • Can you hear sounds and noises outside the space ship?
  • How does being in space affect blood pressure?
  • How, and how often, do you communicate with your family while aboard the ISS?
  • What happens if something in space hits the space station and damages it? How would you fix it?