Radio Scouting Net on Echolink


This month we’ll be operating the USA Radio Scouting Net on Echolink, conference *JOTA-365* which is node 480809.

It’s at 10 PM Central, Thursday, August 11 (which is also 0300 UTC Friday, August 12). Chris Overbey, WA5DM, continues as host.

While we had a few check ins on 40 meters last month, propagation was not our friend. Echolink should be a great way to make this happen. The World Scout Net meets on this same conference node on the first Saturday of each month at 2200 UTC.

If you’re not familiar with Echolink, you can find out more at including downloading the software. There are also apps for Android, iPhone, and iPad.

Looking forward to everyone checking in on the net.

Radio Scouting Net Echolink



  1. This time won’t work well for a number of people on the west coast.

    That’s 8 PM Pacific time, which means it conflicts with Scout meetings on Thursdays. Personally, I have church choir practice every Thursday, so I’ll only be able to make this a couple of times per year.

    I could have joined the first one, but we have friends over for dinner that night.

  2. Are you still running this net on the same day/time? I recently put up an EchoLink link (to RF) for us to use during JOTA (backup in case the bands are not open, as it were…). *JOTA-365* is pretty empty most of the time, except I did catch a Brazilian station the other day (both of us testing out EchoLink for JOTA, hihi).

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