USA Radio Scouting Net July 15 Check Ins


130-032-Radio-Scouting-180Thanks to everyone who checked into the first monthly USA Radio Scouting Net on July 15. Chris Overbey, WA5DM, hosted the net.

Here’s the list of checkins: KD5MLD, NE4RD, N5YZA (who also relayed check ins), W6WF, N5BXP, N5HYP, KC9WW, K9EYZ, KR6AZ, and KO5RP.

I tried to check in but no one could hear me. I could hear everyone above check in but couldn’t hear WA5DM, net control. I imagine that there were a few of you out there who experienced something similar. Lots of QRM, QRN, QSB, etc.

We are considering using Echolink’s JOTA-365 conference node for the next round.

Thanks to Chris Overbey, WA5DM, for serving as net control and to everyone who checked in or attempted to check in. It’s great to get this started.

73, Jim Wilson, K5ND


  1. Echolink would be good. Maybe try a couple of nets.

    I forgot about this one, but there was about zero chance that I could have heard net control. I could only get three HF contacts on my SOTA activation on Wednesday — Arizona, Oregon, and Washington, all on 20 meters.

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