K2BSA/5 Philmont Operation Frequencies


philmontarrowheadHere are the expected frequencies and modes for the K2BSA/5 operation at the Philmont Scout Ranch this summer.

Philmont Boy Scout Ranch Summer 2016 Modes and Frequencies June 15 – Sept 1

We will operate as K2BSA/5 at the Philmont Scout Ranch, Cimarron, New Mexico

Our goal: Operate mostly digital PSK, RTTY, MT63, Winlink modes. Showing ham radio to as many scouts and staffers using Icom products

PSK31 USB Main Mode of Operation: 1.838 (occasional operation), 3.580 (occasional operation), 7.070 and 7.080. 10.140, 14.070, 18.100, 21.070, 21.080, 24.920, 28.120.

VOICE SSB: 80m 3.940 & 3.690 (3.920-3.940 Extra Segment), 40m 7.180-7.200, 40m 7.270-7.290, 20m 14.270-14.290, 20m 14.320-14.340, 17m 18.120-18.150, 15m 21.360-21.400, 12m 24.960-24.980, 10m 28.350-28.400 (Includes Novice & Techs), 6m 50.160-50.200.

EchoLink Node JOTA-365.

FSQ HF Frequencies Region 2 80m 3594 kHz USB (sunset to sunrise) 40m 7104 kHz USB (sunrise to sunset) 30m 10144 kHz USB (local day, DX night)

IRLP Node 9091

DMR Make contact and move to DMR-MARC UA talk groups or to the DCI TAC-310 talk group

D-STAR Reflector REF033A

2 Meter FM Simplex Calling Frequency 146.52

70 CM FM Simplex Calling Frequency 446.000

Local Area Repeaters & Frequencies: TAOS ARC main call and monitoring frequency 147.120 + 67PL 147.140 + 67PL Taos Ski Mega-Link 444.350 + 100 Iron Mountain Eagle Nest Mega-Link 444.975 + 123PL Taos Ski Valley (Enchanted Circle Link) 147.340 + 100PL Angel Fire (Enchanted Circle Link) 145.390 – 100PL Red River (Enchanted Circle Link) 146.500 & 146.52 Simplex 147.2800 + 100PL Raton Mega-Link 446.7750 – D-STAR KD0RDI 147.200 + 67 Wagon Mound Mega-Link

Note: There could be other nodes such as AllStar Link and EchoLink in TAOS

KB5NFT Dale Finley kb5nft@gmail.com

KC5MAY Dale Hiatt


    • Ray, While CW is the original mode period, you have to take in consideration we only see the scouts a couple hours a day over a 5 day period. Time constraints pretty much dictate SSB or keyboards to make the Q’s and get kids communicating. Dennis WA9IVU – W8 Owasippe Scout Reservation

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