Radio Scouting Presentations


I had a request this morning for a Radio Scouting presentation for an amateur radio operator audience. I’ve modified and updated the presentation that I used this year at the Dayton Hamvention in the Icom America booth. That presentation along with a presentation for Scouting audiences can be found on the Radio Scouting Presentations webpage.


  1. I’m leading a University of Scouting class on Radio Scouting, and my short description does not have a lot of overlap with these presentation. I think of Radio Scouting first in terms of ongoing troop and patrol activities, and then as special events and advancement. I frame it from some of the fundamentals of Scouting: world brotherhood, patrols, outdoors, and service.

    Here is my description:

    “Learn about two-way radio in Scouting: walkie-talkies, amateur radio, and Jamboree on the Air. Talk with your youth leaders on campouts or talk with Scouts in other countries. Combine peak-bagging and radio with Summits on the Air.”

    Some things I plan to cover in addition to JOTA and Radio merit badge:

    * Using FRS or ham HTs to support separate patrol camping and separate trail hiking. Locally, Crew 27 does this for backpacking. You can hike separately if you check in every 15 minutes and halt when there is no communication.

    * Local emergency and public service volunteering, as described in requirements 6, 7, and 8 of Emergency Preparedness merit badge. In our city, youth may be emergency services volunteers at age 14.

    * Summits on the Air (SOTA).

    * The Maker movement. Homebrew has been a part of amateur radio forever and our local hams are active in the Maker Faire. Electronics merit badge? Robotics team? Find a homebrewing ham to mentor you.

    Next time, I’ll add e-prep and homebrew to the description…

    I know that these presentations need to be short, but as a unit Scouter, they don’t offer a lot to enrich my troop. My takeaway from the preso is one special event, one merit badge, and two patches.

    For the preso to hams, I’d try to get across one message — share what you love with youth in Boy Scouts. If they get that, they’ll want to hear about the rest. If they don’t, hey, see you on the air.

    I know I’m being tough on these, but I want them to be great.

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