Dayton Hamvention


This week is the Dayton Hamvention. If you’ll be attending look for the Radio Scouting booth within the ARRL Exhibit. We have a great team staffing the booth and helping our ham radio brethren better understand how they can support Radio Scouting and at the same time mentor the next generation of ham radio operators.

In addition, Jim Wilson, K5ND, will be staffing the Icom America booth discussing their work in supporting Radio Scouting and their continued sponsorship of the Boy Scouts of America’s amateur radio operations. Jim will also be providing a Radio Scouting presentation on Saturday, May 17, beginning at 4:15 PM Eastern. Icom will be streaming the video live at the Icom at Dayton 2014 webpage. After the Hamvention, we will post the presentation here along with any recording.

We hope you can get out to the Hamvention. Hope to see you there.


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