JOTA Contest Poll Results


The results are in from our poll on JOTA Contests. You can see the full results below along with the comments received. Click on the image for a larger view.

The total number of votes received was 65, with 17 saying “no contests, keep JOTA simple” and 14 saying “no contests, JOTA is for Scout to Scout conversations. On the yes side, 14 said they’d love to add another activity and 9 said that a standard QSO format would help Scouts get on the air. There was an interesting mix of comments as well. Final tally = 31 no and 23 yes.

Thanks everyone who participated in this informal poll. It will help the National Radio Scouting Committee as they consider improvements and new initiatives for 2014.

JOTA Contest Poll Results


  1. Too littlt, too late, but I would like to see a speing time Scour QSO Party. This way we still have JOTA to intrduce scouts to Ham Radio and then six months later The QSO party for a compition. Compitition is always good for scouts.


    Clayton “Grizz” Heilman

    • I like the idea of a spring QSO party.

      Paul Griffith, ke5wma
      Cataouatche District,
      Southeast Louisiana Council

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