JOTA Station List


The latest list of registered stations as of September 10 has been posted here.


  1. My Son Declan got his Ham License in July, K1TEK, he would like to set up a station for the Jamboree with his Troop 7 Foxboro, MA. How does he go about signing up?

    • Hi Philip —

      Setting up a station for Jamboree on the Air with Troop 7 in Foxboro, MA would require coordinating the location directly with the troop. Ideally, it would occur during a regular campout or even a camporee. It might also be well to check with your local Council to see what they may have planned for JOTA weekend and how you can support that effort with your own station. It looks like the Old Colony Council doesn’t currently have anything on their calendar — the big event appears to be MassJam the weekend before JOTA.

      You can find a great deal of information about organizing a JOTA station at Registration of your station can happen at From the currently registered stations I see only one KA1YQC from your council, and two from the Yankee Clipper Council. They may be able to offer insight, assistance, or local contacts.

      Hope that helps you and Declan get started on a station setup for Jamboree on the Air.

      73, Jim, K5ND

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