Space Station Contact


K2BSA has received the date/time for their National Scout Jamboree contact with the International Space Station. It will happen on Saturday, July 20, at 15:34 UTC or 11:34 AM Eastern. The contact will be with Astronaut Luca Parmitano, KF5KDP.

Ten Scouts will be selected to ask questions of the astronaut during the roughly 7 minute overhead pass. A public address system has been set up to allow as many Scouts, leaders, and visitors to observe the contact first hand at the K2BSA Exhibit at the National Scout Jamboree in the Summit Gateway location.

Stand by for photos and video.


  1. Hi there

    How about connecting the radio that makes contact with the Space Station into the repeaters so more can hear!

    Ed — KB8QEU, Beckley, West Virginia

    • Thanks for your suggestion. We’re going to minimize the rf transmissions that aren’t directly associated with the ISS contact. We’ve got seven minutes to make the contact and don’t want any possible interference or desensing of the receivers during that window. It will be recorded and posted on the web at some point after the contact.

      73, Jim, K5ND

  2. July 20, 2013 is 44th anniversary of first manned moon landing. Best wishes on the contact.

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