Ham Nation #68


Check out Ham Nation episode 68. It begins with “Ham Nation brought to you by ICOM and Jamboree on the Air!” and it just keeps getting better. You’ll note at first that George Thomas, W5JDX, has a ICOM Scouting promotional banner over his workbench. These banners were designed at BSA to promote Jamboree on the Air and Radio Scouting along with a number of other materials for point of purchase display. Ray Novak, N9JA, at ICOM America then produced them in sufficient quantities to ship to everyone of ICOM’s dealers for display.

At 38 minutes into the episode, Leo Laporte, does a three minute advertisement for Jamboree on the Air as supported by ICOM America. Very nicely done commercial. At 44 minutes into the show Amateur Radio Newsline conducts an interview with Jim Wilson, K5ND, all about Jamboree on the Air. Wonderful promotion of Jamboree on the Air and Radio Scouting to an audience of new hams that hopefully will get involved!

Take some time and check out this episode. Ham Nation is a wonderful show all about amateur radio.