QSL paths for K2BSA can be a bit trying since most operations are conducted by others who have used the call sign in support of a Scouting event. Effective July 2011, all approved K2BSA operations also have submitted their QSL contact information. That information is posted on the QSL Paths page.
Also, effective January 2012, K2BSA established a Logbook of the World account and is uploading all ADIF logbook files that are forwarded from the K2BSA operating events. Of course, the operator must log all the contacts and then forward the file for this to work.
K2BSA Jamboree logbooks for 2013, 2017, and 2023 are available on Logbook of the World. The NA1WJ World Scout 2019 Jamboree logbook is also available on Logbook of the World.
Here are a few QSL cards found in the National Scouting Museum archives as well as a few recent ones.
Here’s a very early one from the Boys’ Life Radio Club.

And here’s a flyer/poster for the Boys’ Life Radio Club.
And this is a certificate for Logged All States from the club.
Gary Wilson, K2GW, has sifted through many sources to find still more QSL cards. You can find the Jamboree cards at Jamboree QSL History. Here are the cards he’s found for the BSA HQ operations. Quote: “Here are the QSL cards I found for BSA HQ. As Walter Maxwell recalled, the K2BSA callsign only came into play in 1971. Before that, the K2BFW Boy’s Life Radio Club call was used. Initially used at Schiff, when the Johnston Museum opened in New Brunswick circa 1960 (I actually visited it in 1962 and since 1979 live about 10 miles from its site), the K2BFW station was built there. The earliest QSL card I have found is a post card reprinted as a QSL card and then further rubber stamped for1962 JOTA. When looking at old QSL cards the absence of zip codes (circa 1964) and use of MC and GMT can help date them. The 1970 JOTA card is a “two fer” . The back side is a regular QSL card, but the front is fore runner of the JOTA contact cards we give to Scouts”
You can read the early history of the BSA HQ amateur radio operations at K2BSA Station.
Here’s the 1969 Radio Club special edition for Jamboree on the Air.