NA1WJ Press Release 05-06-2019



West Virginia, USA, July 15th – August 2nd 2019 – Thousands of Scouts and Scouters from around the globe will be descending on The Summit Bechtel Reserve for the 24th World Scout Jamboree where the theme is Unlock a New World. The North American Contingents of Canada, Mexico, and the United States will play host for this quadrennial event.

Amateur Radio will have a strong presence at the event where they’ll be operating as NA1WJ, signifying North America’s First World Jamboree. The diverse team at NA1WJ will be staffed by amateurs radio operators from the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Finland, Germany, Liechtenstein, Malaysia, Nepal, Netherlands, Norway, Taiwan, United Kingdom, among others. The team will have a well equipped demonstration station powered by the latest transceivers from Icom America, antennas from JK Antennas and DX Engineering, and various other accessories from MFJ Enterprises and Geochron. Scouts will be operating the various station positions with team members acting as the control operators allowing them to experience the magic, art, and science of Amateur Radio using HF, VHF, UHF, Digital, Satellites, and Morse Code.

Other activities that will be delivered by the team will be multiple high altitude balloon launches with an APRS payload that will allow Scouts and other interested parties to track the balloons as they traverse the globe, an Amateur Radio Direction Finding course where scouts will use direction finding equipment to locate hidden transmitters, and a contact with the International Space Station where Scouts will get a chance to interact with an astronaut. Live information, including pictures, videos, and current operating frequencies, from the site will be delivered via the K2BSA’s Facebook page, the Twitter accounts of @NA1WJ_Scouting and @K2BSA_Scouting, the NA1WJ Instagram account, the NA1WJ mailing list, and other outlets to be announced.


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  1. The 2019 World Jamboree is not the first World Jamboree to be held in North America as stated in this Press Release.

    • We realize this can be confusing at first glance. No one denies that there were previous World Jamborees hosted in the USA by the Boy Scout of America and in Canada by Scouts Canada, all of which occurred in North America. While this is the fourth World Jamboree to be held in North America, it’s the first Jamboree ever jointly run by the North American Scouting organizations — Scouts Canada, Asociación de Scouts de México, and the Boy Scouts of America. This is stated in the first paragraph of the press release and shown in the logo for the event. You can find more information at Quote from that message:

      This world jamboree is unique because it is a team effort by Scouts Canada, Asociación de Scouts de México, and the Boy Scouts of America

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