ARRL Service to Scouting Award Updates


The ARRL has updated their Amateur Radio and Scouting page with information on the ARRL Service to Scouting Award. This includes a list of all those who have earned the award since its introduction in 2014. As of this writing, the list numbers 84. Look it over to find out if there are others that should be nominated. You can find the nomination form on the same page.

When completing the nomination form, which advises that you complete it without informing the proposed recipient in order to avoid possible disappointment, we realize that you may need to talk with them to determine whether they’ve actually met the necessary requirements. Please feel free to work with the nominee to collect this information.

Congratulations to all those who have received the ARRL Service to Scouting Award. Thanks go especially to Steve Ewald, WV1X, Supervisor of ARRL’s Field Organization Team, for his work ensuring this award continues to be available and for pulling all this information together for publication.