K2BSA/7 at Dad and Lad Event in Cascade Pacific Council


Norman Royce, KD6IFF, has provided an after action report on his operation of K2BSA/7 in early February 2018. There’s quite a few best practices at play in this description that can probably help your upcoming operation.

I ran a STEM station for radio. Here’s insight into what worked along with examples you can follow.
Science – How Propagation Works
  •  Foils with diagrams work best
  •  Used a “Ball thrown against a Ceiling” as an example and then they understood the radio waves bouncing off the different atmosphere layers
    •  D-Layer = Living-room ceiling
    •  F-Layer = Gym ceiling
Technology – Morse code keys through the years…from old straight keys to newer paddles.
  • Make sure they have a buzzer of some sort attached
  • I forgot that the first time I used code keyers as an example and the first comment I got was “They don’t make any noise.”
  • Arduino Iambic Keyer project in a clear case for the 2 button is also great for pointing out the technology that can be used.
Engineering – Engineering can be explained with multiple examples
  • Differences in power levels to radio sizes
  • Comparison of home-made antennas to manufactured
  • How to generate power so you can charge your battery box when standard power is down
    • Had examples for Gas Generator and Solar Panel on site
    • Explained that water and wind power are the main sources of power for all of Oregon
Math – Tape Measure Antenna hanging on a 1/8 in rope Tape Measure Antenna_Data Sheet
  • They work as a Pack to complete the quiz at this link Tape Measure Antenna_Quiz
  • Have the rope long enough that they can slide the tape measures to the distance for a 10M dipole
  • When done explain that since these tape measures are metal we could actually attach the radio and talk over this antenna
  • The tape measure antenna is built using 2 of the 33ft x 1″ wide tape measures secured to a plexiglass backer
    • 33ft tape measures are available at Harbor Freight…lets you get to 40M (Quiz Question #2)
    • 25ft will also work….lets you get to 20M (Quiz Question #2)