Kay Craigie, N3KN, Steps Down as ARRL President


This week Kay Craigie, N3KN, steps down as ARRL President. The League summarized her nearly three decades as an official on their website. She cites her work with Scouting as one of the highlights with this quote:

President Craigie said she was happy to sign the first formal agreement between the ARRL and the Boy Scouts of America. “One of my best friends in Amateur Radio got his start as a Scout,” she noted, adding that she hopes the agreement will lead to welcoming “even more talented young people into our ranks.”

You can find the BSA and ARRL memorandum of understanding along with a video of Kay and BSA Chief Scout Executive Bob Mazzuca signing the agreement at our page BSA & ARRL.

Congratulations to Kay Craigie and thanks for her years of service to amateur radio.