Challenge Coin Video


Brian Walker, K9BKW, has created a 3D video of a challenge coin exchange between Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, of ARRL and Jim Wilson, K5ND, national radio scouting committee chairman. This happened in the ARRL Expo at the Dayton Hamvention. Bob has generously provided booth space for Radio Scouting in the ARRL Expo for several years. This year he worked with Larry Wolfgang, WR1B , ARRL Editor of QEX Magazine to provide a virtual mountain of ARRL publications and documents for the K2BSA Jamboree Operation.

You can see the video at When you see Bob or Larry please share your thanks for all their support for Radio Scouting. Also check out the work of Brian Walker at Space Jamboree and if you’re nearby, plan to attend or support this great event.