April QST Coverage


Check out the great Radio Scouting stories in the April Issue of QST Magazine.

Amateur Radio Service to Scouting Award. A new Scouting square knot award administered under the BSA’s Community Organization Award Program. Operated by ARRL, the final details of the program are still under development. See page 76 in the Board of Directors meeting report.

Amateur Radio Operator Rating Strip. Great write up on this new rating strip on page 80.

Radio Scouting is in the national amateur radio news. Is it in the news for your local ham radio club? Here’s two items that are ready made to share with your fellow club members.



    • ARRL has submitted it to the BSA Awards and Insignia Committee. It is now waiting on the outcome of BSA review and/or further discussion. We are not aware of an estimated timeframe for completion of that review. Stand by.

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