Radio Scouting IRLP


Radio Scouting and Jamboree on the Air now has a common meeting place for IRLP (Internet Radio Linking Project) contacts.  Scouts and Scouters may simply connect an IRLP node to Node 9091, which is a dedicated Topic Channel for Radio Scouting.  If you’re looking for a contact, after connecting make yourself known by IDing and indicating your interest in a Radio Scouting or JOTA contact.  Remember, “live” repeaters are involved, so please use proper identification procedures.

If no one is available, it’s OK to remain connected.  The next person to connect will similarly ID and a QSO can be established.  Since this is a single channel, it’s recommended that once contact is made, the two stations mutually agree on IRLP nodes, disconnect from the Topic Channel and connect to the agreed upon nodes.  For detailed information on available IRLP repeaters in your area, how IRLP works and operating guidelines, visit

A recommended time for calling has initially been established for 1800Z (1100 PDST, 1400 EDST).  This time was selected for weekend activities, such as Radio Merit Badge events, as well as contacts during Summer Camp. Another suggested time is 0100Z (1800 PDST, 2100 EDST).  The evening schedule should accommodate most scouts and scouters during the evening hours.  The Radio Scouting/JOTA Topic Channel is available for use 24/7.

The Topics Channel will initially be set up for IRLP only and will soon have connectivity via EchoLink.

The K2BSA Amateur Radio Association sincerely appreciates the resources provided by Kent Johnson, W7AOR, on the Western Reflector Annex, to Michael Bloom, W7RAT, for coordinating this Channel, and to the Oregon Internet Radio Group for implementing the Topic Channels Project.

Submitted by Frank Krizan, KR1ZAN