Radio Scouting Emblem


The poll has concluded. Thanks so much for your votes and your comments. The following emblem garnered the most votes, which was consistent with earlier work with the National Radio Scouting Committee and a poll of youth members at a Radio Scouting event.

I’ll also point out that this is in no way meant to replace the Radio Scouting emblem used throughout the world, that you’ve all come to know and value. It is meant to provide an enduring symbol within the USA around Radio Scouting initiatives outside the annual Jamboree on the Air.


  1. I really like the current Radio Scouting logo. It is purple, for World Scouting, has the globe, it has the necker (which is universal), and headphones, and lightning squiggles.

    It looks a tiny bit dated, but it is solid design. Nothing really wrong with it.

    • I too like the current design.
      I voted for the one I like best of the four.
      maybe include the old desing into the vote, too.

    • Hi Folks!
      I really liked the last entry in the list. My second choice was the first.
      Not too keen on the current World Radio Scouting symbol, as it is a bit dated. My suggestion is to only ask Scouts and Venturers to submit and to vote before choosing any new logo.
      Gordon, W2TTT

  2. I would like to see a logo with the Scouting emblem, antenna tower, waves or bolts, the world, and maybe a headset. My problem with the headset in the logo is kids today see the headset and they think iPod. Just my opinion.

  3. One of the questions that has never been formally answered is “Who owns the ‘purple’ Radio Scouting logo that’s been floating around for several years?”. I feel that WOSM probably assumes ownership, but, the logo just gets used with the attitude it’s easier to ask forgiveness than to ask permission because you can’t find a path to the owner. Nevertheless, the purple logo has long been accepted as an international logo, not one for use as a national logo. Jim’s proposal is to create one for BSA.

    I have not cast a vote for any of the logos on the current poll. I really think we need to come up with a more modern logo that appeals to youth and doesn’t have a lot of nostalgia that newer, younger Hams won’t quite relate to.

    I also like the idea of keeping the logo as simple as possible. Keep the thread and stitch count to a minimum. Since this is a logo for BSA (USA), let’s focus on what makes for a good USA logo. The logo needs to look good in either color or black and white. Consider how a patch will be used on the uniform, on certificates, a flag or banner, or whatever use.

    Consider also if all or part of the logo could be used in a redesign of the Radio Merit Badge (probably without the use of the words “radio scouting”).

  4. Those are indeed terrible renditions for what should be a great program that keeps slipping due to inaction and loss of interest in many Councils. Can we not appoint a National Council of Hams to oversee this effort and hope that something gets accomplished!
    Thank You WA9DAN

    • Hi Dan. Thanks for your feedback. In January 2011, Jim Wilson, K5ND, was appointed the National Jamboree on the Air Organizer for the USA. That’s me. Working with Brian Mileshosky, N5ZGT, we got a memorandum of understanding signed between ARRL and the BSA. You can see the full video here At the same time I recruited a National Radio Scouting Committee that immediately set to work developing a wide array of support materials for the 2011 JOTA. You can see the materials at Those were in place in early May for promotion at the Dayton Hamvention. We also set about garnering as much communication as we could to local council employees, key volunteers, and directly to Scouts and Scouters around JOTA. I will publish the full after action report, concluding a listing of all communication, by mid-December to coincide with the report to the World JOTA Organizer. The result was 160+ stations registered representing an estimated 16,000 Scout participants. I’m currently collecting after action reports and have right at 55 reports. In comparison for 2010, BSA reported 31 active stations and 431 participants. The next big event is the 2013 Jamboree. You can see the current plan of action on this website under the Jamboree tab.

      I hope that helps put in perspective what is getting accomplished. 73, Jim, K5ND

  5. If this is for USA, then black banner could be replaced w/blue for the old red, wht & blu. Also agree that headset needs a mic growing out of it and a radiating antenna would be nice also, even if incorporated into the headset.

  6. Of the four new ones, I like the one with the loose scout tie, with Radio at the top and the round “Head” with headphones on. I see it as a fun design that is simple to impliment. Our group who puts on Radio Merit Badges would like to design a shirt for all of us that has an easily recognizable logo relating to Radio Scouting and I think this one would fit the bill better than the traditional World Scout logo for Radio Scouting.

  7. Like many others on the list, I like the old purple logo and I’m not particular fond of any of the new ones. I agree with the earlier post by Frank that any new logo should appeal to youth, and I think all four of the new suggested logos do not meet that criterion.

  8. After giving more thought to the logos on the poll and after “listening” to numerous comments on various groups, I am casting my vote for the “Headphones and Globe” WITH A MODIFICATION.

    Change the “globe with flags” to a “globe similar to the ARRL globe” (see This way we don’t have so many colors and potential hysteria with the particular flags used in the design. This will also look better in black and white.

    I, also, believe the logo should include either the letters “BSA” or the BSA Eagle Logo to distinguish it from the WOSM logo. The BSA Eagle Logo could be incorporated in a location similar to the ARRL diamond on their new globe logo.

    Since this is for BSA, I would prefer the primary colors be red, white and blue.

    Jim … thanks to you and the graphics folks for lots of work in developing these images.

  9. I have read that some people like the current Radio Scouting logo. I agree that it is not broken. However, if i’m not mistaken, what Jim is working on is a BSA radio scouting logo not a replacement for the world radio scouting logo.

    • Exactly, Matt. This emblem is meant to provide a symbol for USA Radio Scouting efforts throughout the year. It does not replace the World Radio Scouting emblem, nor does it replace the USA JOTA emblem, which is updated annually.

  10. I see Radio Waves as incorporating the Scout logo, and bold RADIO with a simple graphic of waves as best. In the others, I saw the neckerchief graphic as a stylized person dancing and didn’t see what it had to do with Scouting. The color earth rendition won’t work well on a patch. Dominant earphones are a bit odd, suggesting listening to music. Check the style guide. I don’t think the red fleur-des-lis is allowed.

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