K2BSA Amateur Radio Association — dedicated to amateur radio within the Scout movement. Providing information to support all Radio Scouting activities.

K2BSA/3 Jamboree on the Air in Moon Township, PA

St Andrew Day School 987 Beaver Grade Rd, Moon Township, PA, United States

The Frontier District will be sponsoring a JOTA station for area Scouts to attend and learn about Amateur radio. We also plan on constructing Antennas to show the Scouts how easy it can be.

K2BSA/6 Jamboree on the Air in Castaic, CA

Camp Verdugo Oaks 38001 Golden State Hwy, Castaic, CA, United States

This is a week end camp for merit badges which aligns with JOTA - We will teach Radio Meritbadge and also have free time for Scouts not doing Radio Merit Badge to participate in JOTA

K2BSA/8 Jamboree on the Air, Wheeling, WV

Wheeling WV 192 McCulloch Dr, Wheeling, WV, United States

jamboree on the air/ offer instruction for radio merit badge &offer an amature radio licenseing test site for scouts and scouters wishing to get their license

K2BSA/5 Jamboree on the Air, Lewisville, TX

Lewisville, TX One Lake Park Rd, Lewisville, TX, United States

Plan to have HF, Voice and, CW operation. VHF/UHF along with digital and DMR stations. Merit badge counselors available.

K2BSA/KL7 Jamboree on the Air in Chugiak, AK

Camp Gorsuch 22700 Camp Gorsuch Rd, Chugiak, AK, United States

We will be operating from our mobile Communications Center. Deploying HF both SSB and Digital, VHF Repeater & Simplex Ops, Packet Radio, APRS, Winlink and attempt Satellite Ops. Also DMR Digital Voice. We will also assist in completing their merit badge requirements.

K2BSA/6 Extreme Merit Badge Weekend in Castaic, CA

Camp Verdugo Oaks 38001 Golden State Hwy, Castaic, CA, United States

Outdoor oriented and Stem Merit Badges will be offered with optional overnight Friday and Saturday night camping at Camp Verdugo Oaks. Will include radio Merit Badge. Scouts will be able to make contacts via radio. These contacts are dependent on Radio Propagation conditions.

K2BSA/8 Camp Kootaga Summer Camp in Walker, WV

We will be setting up with the help of a local ham club, a large station for camp. We will be offering radio Merit Badge and testing sessions for anyone on Friday mornings. Although we will be operating camp for many more weeks we are only requesting these dates. We would also like to use […]

K2BSA/8 Trail to Eagle (TTE) 2022 in Metamora, MI

The Trail to Eagle (TTE) program is a specifically designed program for the older Scout to give them the opportunity to work on the merit badges they need to finish the Eagle Scout rank requirements. It is a one week, highly structured program held at D-bar-A Scout Ranch. Scouts must be at least 1st Class […]