K2BSA Amateur Radio Association — dedicated to amateur radio within the Scout movement. Providing information to support all Radio Scouting activities.

K2BSA/7 Jamboree on the Air in Cloverdale, OR

Cascade Pacific Council is hosting Webelos Woods October 14-16, 2022, at Camp Meriwether. We are planning to set up a HAM radio station at the camp to introduce and teach Scouts about HAM radio. We also plan to have members of the Oregon Tualatin Valley Amateur Radio Club (OTVARC) to assist in teaching Scouts about […]

K2BSA/6 Jamboree on the Air in Castaic, CA

We will have TOP fun Camporee patrol Competition / Demo Radio station event and Jamboree on the Air, Possible Radio merit badge via a Zoom meeting for up to 10 Scouts from councils across USA and overseas councils.

K2BSA/KL7 Jamboree on the Air in Chugiak, AK

We will be operating from our mobile Communications Center. Deploying HF both SSB and Digital, VHF Repeater & Simplex Ops, Packet Radio, APRS, Winlink and attempt Satellite Ops. Also DMR Digital Voice. We will also assist in completing their merit badge.

K2BSA/4 Scout Fest 2022 in Blaine, TN

Scout Fest 2022 101 Runway Rd, Blaine, TN, United States

Council wide Camporee held every two years in east Tennessee. This event is open to packs, troops, crews and posts. Members of the Smoky Mountain Amateur Radio Club is hosting a special event station at Scout Fest. This will be a multi-band multi-mode station. Their will also be a GOTA, get on the air station […]

K2BSA/6 Cub Haunt 2022 in Castaic, CA

It’s Haunting time! Come join Verdugo Hills Council Cub Scouts in a ghoulishly fun weekend at Camp Verdugo Oaks. This event is open to all registered Cub Scouts (Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos) and their families. The event will kick-off at 4:00pm Friday, October 28th, and will conclude Sunday morning October 30th.

K2BSA/5 Winter Camp in Damascus, AR

We're hosting a winter camp. One "Track" will be a communication based one offering such merit badges as "Signs, Signals, and Codes; Electricity; Electronics; Energy; and Radio". I'm hoping to also offer a Technician class and VE Testing Session

K2BSA/4 – OA Conclave (Section E-6) in Prattville, AL

We will be operational during the following times: from  1600 UTC 15 April 2023 to 1900 UTC 15 April 2023 then Again from 2200 UTC 15 April 2023 to 0100 UTC 16 April 2023. We will use the JOTA frequencies: band        SSB            CW 80 m            3.940 MHz        3.570 MHz 40 m            7.190 MHz        7.030 MHz 20 m            14.290 MHz  […]

K2BSA/7 – Spirit Lake District Camporee – Rainier, OR

Camporee- An annual event is where Scout BSA Troops from across a District or Council are invited for a weekend of camping and skill based activities. Camporee programs may include contests and demonstrations of outdoor Scouting skills as well as campfires, games, and field events.

K2BSA/9 – Troop 920 Ingersoll Summer Camp – London Mills, IL

Troop 920 of Bloomington, IL will be attending Ingersoll Scout Reservation in London Mills, IL the week of June 11th through June 17th. Among summer camp activities, the troop will be operating an amateur radio station operating SSB, FT8 and other digital modes in the evenings and as time allows. This is the second year […]