K2BSA Amateur Radio Association — dedicated to amateur radio within the Scout movement. Providing information to support all Radio Scouting activities.

K2BSA/5 Winter Camp in Damascus, AR

We're hosting a winter camp. One "Track" will be a communication based one offering such merit badges as "Signs, Signals, and Codes; Electricity; Electronics; Energy; and Radio". I'm hoping to also offer a Technician class and VE Testing Session

K2BSA/4 – OA Conclave (Section E-6) in Prattville, AL

We will be operational during the following times: from  1600 UTC 15 April 2023 to 1900 UTC 15 April 2023 then Again from 2200 UTC 15 April 2023 to 0100 UTC 16 April 2023. We will use the JOTA frequencies: band        SSB            CW 80 m            3.940 MHz        3.570 MHz 40 m            7.190 MHz        7.030 MHz 20 m            14.290 MHz  […]

K2BSA/7 – Spirit Lake District Camporee – Rainier, OR

Camporee- An annual event is where Scout BSA Troops from across a District or Council are invited for a weekend of camping and skill based activities. Camporee programs may include contests and demonstrations of outdoor Scouting skills as well as campfires, games, and field events.

K2BSA/9 – Troop 920 Ingersoll Summer Camp – London Mills, IL

Troop 920 of Bloomington, IL will be attending Ingersoll Scout Reservation in London Mills, IL the week of June 11th through June 17th. Among summer camp activities, the troop will be operating an amateur radio station operating SSB, FT8 and other digital modes in the evenings and as time allows. This is the second year […]

K2BSA/8 – Owasippe Summer Camp – Twin Lake, MI

This event is an opportunity for Amateurs and Scouts to connect over the air and learn more about the hobby of Amateur Radio and Scouting at summer camp. More about Owasippe Scout Reservation: https://www.owasippeadventure.com/ Camp Blackhawk is located on the shores of Big Blue Lake and is rich in tradition, with roots dating back to […]

K2BSA – National Scout Jamboree 2023

The National Scout Jamboree 2023 is being held at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in Mount Hope, West Virginia (EM97KV).  We'll be teaching radio merit badge and getting thousands of scouts on the air!  40m - 10m, DStar (REF033A), and EchoLink *JOTA-365* as available.

K2BSA/5 – Venturing is Happening 2023 – Bastrop, TX

Venturing Scouts from the Capitol Area Council and surrounding councils will meet for a day of fun. In addition to Amateur Radio, there will be shooting sports, ATVs, climbing, repelling, swimming, and other activities.

K2BSA/4 – Jamboree On The Air – Prattville, AL

I have been asked to provide radio activation at the council's annual Spookeree, which will occur the weekend of JOTA. The idea is to provide radio experience to the cub scouts who attends as well as the BSA scouts who will work as staff. Last year the Spookeree had over 400 cubs attend along with […]