K2BSA Amateur Radio Association — dedicated to amateur radio within the Scout movement. Providing information to support all Radio Scouting activities.
This event is an opportunity for Amateurs and Scouts to connect over the air and learn more about the hobby of Amateur Radio and Scouting at summer camp. More about Owasippe Scout Reservation: https://www.owasippeadventure.com/ Camp Blackhawk is located on the shores of Big Blue Lake and is rich in tradition, with roots dating back to the early days of Scouting. As one of the Owasippe Scout Reservation camps located in beautiful West Central Michigan, there are 4,800 acres to explore and enjoy. Blackhawk offers great programs in Scoutcraft, ecology, conservation, nature, and aquatics, along with shooting sports, and handicraft. A wide variety of merit badges are offered in each program area.