K2BSA Amateur Radio Association — dedicated to amateur radio within the Scout movement. Providing information to support all Radio Scouting activities.

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K2BSA/4 – Pack 19 – Radio Cub Scouting / ARRL Kids Day – Huntersville, NC

June 21

We are starting a pilot radio program that is designed specifically for Cub Scouts called the Radio Cub Scouting Award. There are four components which include 1. Radio Communication Procedures 2. Morse Code 3. Radio Direction Finding 4. On the Air with HF and VHF/UHF QSOs. The goal is to introduce amateur radio in a fun and efficient way to get the Cub Scouts interested in radio. Upon successful completion the Cub Scouts will earn a Radio Cub Scouting patch that can be worn on their uniform. ARRL Kids day is a great opportunity to have more amateur radio operators available for QSOs. The event will be held on a grass field in front of the Troop 19 / Pack 19 Scout House located on the Huntersville Presbyterian Church property. This also serves as a great activity to keep the Cub Scouts engaged in Scouting over the Summer months.

Erich Fitschen, NC4EF


June 21
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