October 21 JOTA Update


Time to submit your JOTA Report. You should have received a couple of emails today with links to the online report system. Here’s the link to JOTA Report System.

Here’s an early story and photo from WH6ECG. Make sure you file your story and photos.

Hawaii Scouts took turns and enjoyed speaking for over an hour on HF 20m phone to Canadian Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts in southwestern Saskatchewan.  A 16 year-old Eagle Scout in Hawaii enjoyed talking about scouting and encouraging a 6 year-old Canadian Cub Scout to continue in the Scouting program.  Canadian Scouts amazed the Hawaii Scouts with stories of winter camping adventures in freezing weather, moose sausage, deer and elk in the nearby woods, and ice hockey. Canadian and Hawaiian Scouts compared winter tobogganing with Hawaiian surfing and bodyboarding; and kidded each other about the merits of Canadian bacon versus American bacon. In Canada, younger Scouts had to go to bed as it was getting close to 9pm, while it was approaching 5pm in Hawaii.  During the conversation, Canadian Scouts noted that temperatures had dropped from 32F to 30F while Hawaiian weather at the camp remained at about 80F with high humidity, light drizzle, and light winds.
